читаю тут Спроси Корейца про армию.
To determine the assignment, all Korean men over the age of 18 must report to the local draft board to have a physical examination. The examination categorizes men into seven levels, and people below Level 5 do not have to serve in active duty. (Ючону пока 7 уровень поставили? на омоне серьёзно беспокоятся о его здоровье)
Achieving Level 5 and below is fairly difficult; you really have to have some severe injury, such as a torn ACL, missing index finger, serious mental illness etc., to qualify. However, there are certain non-health related issues that would disqualify one from serving, generally described as “people who would create disharmony in the unit.” Interestingly, another group that falls into this category is people who have excessive tattoos, because tattoos are generally considered a sign for a gang membership. (меня тут пробрало на хихи~~, вспоминая пост с фотографиями тату Дже)
(с) askakorean.blogspot.com