Знала, что "In Heaven" написал Дже, но не была в курсе, что он посвятил песню своему другу, который покончил жизнь самоубийством.
И клип теперь воспринимается по-другому, зная, что его сюжет более глубокий смысл несёт, чем очередная грустная история в корейском клипе. С нами поделились личными грустными размышлениями и чувством вины.
Конечно понимаю, что не в первой песня написана не про выдуманную историю. И всё же это достойно внимания. Оно не оставляет равнодушным.
The MV is actually a very well done reflection of the song. It would seem many people fail (including the author of this article) to grasp the meaning of the song and reduce it to just a "Sad song with a boy and a girl dying. Boo hoo.". Maybe because they don't know the real context as to why Jaejoong wrote the song in the first place?
For those not aware (probably the author as well), "In Heaven" is a song dedicated to Park Yong Ha, Jaejoong's very good friend who committed suicide last year. читать дальшеLast year, Yong Ha called Jaejoong to ask him to go drinking, but Jaejoong was in LA at the time, promoting their English album. Jaejoong told Yong Ha they'd go out next time. The very next day, Jaejoong got the call that Yong Ha committed suicide. Jaejoong took the loss hard, and wrote the song "In Heaven" as to say, "If I get one more chance to be with you, I'd do my best not to leave your side." It was as if Jaejoong wanted to say that if he had stayed in Korea, he could have been at Yong Ha's side, or if they talked more, then he may have helped his friend or even prevented his friend's death.
The video is reflecting that, isn't it? The video shows Song Ji Hyo looking sad and miserable. She was calling Junsu but he was busy at a meeting and he ignored her call. She was depressed, and committed suicide. Junsu was then plagued by memories and dreams of her and then he woke up. The calendar was in August 2008 (DBSK comeback for Mirotic in Korea, reminder of happy times?!) and then Ji Hyo, who was supposed to be dead, showed up at Junsu's door. Junsu realized he went back in time, and decided to be a better boyfriend.
So he made plans for him and Ji Hyo (him writing on a notebook), making it on time for their date and surprising her with music, etc. In a way, Junsu changed how he used to be to try and "change" fate (so Ji Hyo's character wouldn't be sad and wouldn't commit suicide). But near the end of the MV, fate or destiny cannot be stopped, and Ji Hyo, while not committing suicide, was still going to die. Somehow Junsu knew something was going to happen, because the date in the calendar was circled (probably the date Ji Hyo's character died in the MV originally). So Junsu ran to the place where Ji Hyo commited suicide, and chose to save her and die himself, so they can be together and he can follow her anywhere. They both died, but even then Junsu didn't leave her side.
That was the main message of Jaejoong's song. Sometimes a simple "Are you okay?" to a friend can make a difference and let them know you care, because there might come a time when you won't be able to show them you love them and you'll never get a second chance. comment link